Public Register

Every year the taxpayer entrusts NHS organisations with funding to care for millions of people which must be spent well, and free from undue influence. To deliver high quality and innovation care organisations need to work collaboratively with each other, local authorities, industry and other public, private and voluntary bodies. Partnership working brings many benefits, but also creates the risk of conflicts of interest.

It is especially important for care organisations to demonstrate transparency for staff who are budget holders or who can influence purchasing decisions.

At Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, we have defined ‘decision making staff’ as those on Agenda for Change (AfC) Band 7 and above and all Consultant staff. These staff are likely to be budget holders and /or those with purchasing influence within the Trust.

It’s fundamental that staff at the Trust are transparent and adhere to both our local policy and guidance set out by NHS England and declare any appropriate conflicts of interest against the clearly defined rules. Our ‘decision making staff’ are required to make either positive or nil declarations, aligned to each financial year. All other staff grades of staff are required to make positive declarations on receipt of any gift, hospitality or sponsorship or any known interest that may be a conflict to them and the Trust.

The information displayed is a live record of the Trusts declaration registers. The data fields will be closed each year at 7 July – following end of Quarter 1 appraisal season. Direct questions relating to declarations required by staff are included in the Trust appraisal form and the consultant on line system.


Financial Year
Staff TypeStaff CountStaff That Have Made A DeclarationStaff That Have Not Made A DeclarationTotal Number of Declarations Made
Non Contracted552536
Decision Makers64604895156528090
Non Decision Makers440513254407976363


Total Records: 6101
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05/10/2024 - Chun Huat Teh
Oncology CSU
Nil Declaration
01/10/2024 - Clare Melody
Radiographer - Therapeutic, Specialist Practitioner
Hospitality - £70.00
04/10/2024 - John Pearn
Nil Declaration
04/10/2024 - Rumana Chowdhury
Nil Declaration
20/11/2023 - Ann Morgan
Sponsored Events
01/05/2024 - Ann Morgan
Sponsored Events
03/10/2024 - Alistair Hall
Nil Declaration
27/03/2024 - Mark Philipson
Hospitality - £50.00
17/09/2023 - Rosalind Brown
Outside Employment
03/10/2024 - Christopher West
Training Grade Doctors
Nil Declaration
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Civica Declare Version 6.29



You can filter the interest declaration records by a combination of interest type, job role, value, period, decision making group and keyword. The keyword field compares the string you enter to both the full name of the staff member associated with the declaration as well as the description. Note that when filtering by 'Total to date' all interests that are continuous by nature will be returned against every search.


You can sort the interest declaration records by Date Interest Declared, Date Interest Arose , First Name and Last Name

The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
St James's University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS9 7TF
020 8829 2330